Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Case for Rest

Last week, I was in a cabin near Lake Tahoe. I was resting. For the first time in a few years, I slept. I really slept. Twelve, thirteen hours a night. I took naps. I plopped into bed in the middle of the day and fell easily and fast asleep for one, two, even three hours.

I'm a work-at-home mama. I have two young children, one of whom is a high energy special needs child. I am "on" all of the time. I'm in bed at midnight or 1am and I'm up at 5am to the sounds of children, dogs and a small urban homestead. Don't get me wrong - it's wildly rewarding. But I miss sleeping.

Rest. Restoration. Sleep. Quiet. Oxygen. Darkness. Comfort. 
It's more important now than at any other time in my life.
I must, somehow, get more rest.






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