Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sarah gets psychic - trends for 2011

Design Refuge has just announced their November design challenge.  They (the proverbial they) want to know what the most important design trends will be for 2011.  So here is my psychic stab at the up and coming design trends for 2011!

Vintage Brass
Celery Green
Lace Curtains
Animal Lamps

1. Vintage Brass
We are still in a serious economic slump and I think that decorators, stylists and designers alike will be utilizing whatever might be lying around their grandma's house.  Enter vintage brass.  Its beautiful, durable and will easily mesh with most any style you desire.  So polish up those old candle sticks and get them out on the table!

2. Celery Green
This is going to be the big color this year.  Its fresh, bright and yet, still a neutral.  Whether you go dark or light its good on the walls, on the furniture or used as pops of color here and there. 

(And look... vintage brass AND celery green together!)

3. Lace curtains
Back to my earlier comment about dragging grandma's decor out into the open -  we're in a recession people, use the old stuff!  That Victorian by-gone, the lace curtain, will be making an appearance again in 2011.  And not just over windows - it will be up-cycled on throw pillows, bed coverings, lamp shades, etc. 

(And look... lace AND celery green together!)

4. Animal lamps
All you have to do is walk through Urban Outfitters or check out the new Jonathan Adler line to know that animal lamp bases are going to have a strong showing in 2011.  Personally, I don't go in for the woodland animal lamps, but a big horse or lion head - count me in!

(And look... brass animal lamps!)

P.S. This is our final week of giveaways as part of the 2010 Holiday Gift Guide hosted by La Maison Boheme!  Don't forget to enter : Charlotte Handmade, Olive and Ruby, and Velvet Morning!


Balancing Lisa said...

I really enjoy the vintage brass! I have non of that in my home, but maybe it's time to add some! ;)

Carina Dale said...

Loving your trend spotting! Especially the brass and lace.

anita said...

We have those exact duck head bookends!! (They were John's mothers.)
I think you are psychic, by the way.

ashlina {the decorista} said...

could not agree more! love.

Caroline said...

I have a feeling that you're right! And I hope so... I'd love to give some of these a try.

A Perfect Gray said...

wonderful piece, Sarah. great rocked that one right outta the park....

24 Corners said...

I think your *spot on* Sarah!! The vintage brass has been calling to me this last year and so has the I know why! ;)

Unknown said...

I think you are right on target- I have the brass lamps and lace curtains and would totally love an animal lamp- the only one I'm not so keen on is the celery but that's only because I look terrible in green so mostly avoid it- my sister just painted her living room in celery so you are probably right on all of them. This is a fun challenge this month!

minnja said...

So lovely!
Amazing pictures :)))


Brandi@ Flights of Whimsy said...

I love all of this! I've been finding myself drawn to vintage brass a lot lately too!

Carissa @ the Fabulous Design File said...

I am so loving the vintage brass! Celery green too!

the runaway romantique said...

I a in love with both the vintage brass and the lay curtains so I have a feeling your psychic-ness is pretty accurate ;) lovely post as always!!

- the runaway

Anonymous said...

I think you are definitely on to something. I'm totally on board with vintage brass!

Jackie said...

Your predictions are awesome too! And celery green is close to mint-I think we are definitely on to something!

Danielle Sigwalt Interiors said...

I have all of these covered in my home! Thanks for sharing...lovin' all of the lamps!

Tobe @ Two Tall Blondes said...

all of those lamps are just delicious! i have always been a sucker for brass...the grandparents have a ton of it, so it has a special place in my little designerly heart. excited for the comeback :)