We all have something in our home that falls in this category - our most cherished piece of furniture. Something old and handed down or something you found on your own. A treasure in your home. Something you love. And when you see it you smile and say, "I love that piece of furniture." So spill it. What is it? Mine is a screen my grandmother decoupaged out of old Elizabethan costume designs. What's yours?
Is it an antique wardrobe?

A white washed Moroccan screen?

A velvet French daybed?

A reclaimed dresser that you painted yourself?

An tufted ottoman-slash-coffee table that you found at an estate sale?

A pharmacy curios cabinet from a second hand store?

Your great-aunt's bookcase made new again in grass green?
ohhh, that bookcase....I think my special piece is a chinoiserie secretary from the early 1900's. love it and you have reminded me that I need to get an image of it up on my blog....
great post..thanks!
gorgeous pieces!
What sweet memories you conjure up.Mine is a hand made kichen sideboard, that my Dad used in his paintshop when I was a wee one.
Loved all the pieces you found.
gosh i dont think i have one...i would love to have that beautiful first photo....:)
hope you had a beautifully bohemian weekend. xo
It would have to be my grandmother's 90-year-old oak hall rack. In 2004, I had it professionally refinished. A year later it was one of the few pieces I was able to salvage after Hurricane Katrina destroyed my home in Bay St. Louis, Miss. It's a little the worse for wear --a small crack in the (original) mirror, a little more wobbly on its feet -- but all the more beautiful to me for all it's gone through.
Mine is an old mission-style oak china cabinet that I remember being in my great-grandfather's kitchen. I doubt it has much value, I remember my grandmother refinishing it when she first retired, but it's very special to me.
Husband refurbished an antique curved dresser as a surprise for me our first year we were married. He tiled the top aqua, painted the dresser white and put on big chunky sea creature handled. Gorgeous. That, or it'd be a wingback chair we upholstered a few years back. You can see the chair in this post http://tenfunkyowls.blogspot.com/2010/01/and-were-back.html.
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