When I'm in a funk, when I look around my house and think, "I need to change something", or when I just need a little pick me up, I rectify my situation with a very simple remedy. I choose a tiny corner of my home and I make a vignette. (Ha! Spell check just tried to make 'vignette' into 'vinaigrette'. Don't get me wrong, I like a good salad dressing as much as the next woman, but I'm referring to a vignette - a short impressionistic scene or picture.) Anyhooties, I choose a table top or neglected corner and make a pleasing arrangement. See? Simple. Funk, gone.
Thank you, that was just what I needed this morning. Company's coming tomorrow and I want to do some rearranging in the living room. This will work nicely as inspiration!
love your vigniagrettes...
mmm yummy
lovely post, gal. you are SO RIGHT. that's my kind of mood lifter...
Thank you, that was just what I needed this morning. Company's coming tomorrow and I want to do some rearranging in the living room. This will work nicely as inspiration!
and what did spell check think of "anyhooties?"
(you made me giggle.)
love these! you have many talents! :)
*Drool* that chair needs to be in my office. Indeed. :)
Love little vignettes, LOVE them! Great little collection you've got here!
Oh, I tagged you in my post yesterday, thanks again for the award! So sweet!
Ooooo..am loving the pic with the vintage map behind the Hydrangeas!
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