Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Brown is in, people.

My living room has always been a mix of brownish furniture and wood tables. I'm not in a financial position to change any of my furniture, so I'm looking to these these warm, earth hued rooms to inspire me. I like my central living space to be calm, inviting and easily refreshed and these neutral palates allow for infusions of color to suit the season.


Connie said...

Ooooooh. So rich looking. Can't wait to see what you do with your space.

The Fabric Floozie said...

great post. we have brown furniture too. I was so sick of brown furniture and builder beige walls. We've had that for seven years. So we went green with the walls. It's called Wheat Grass by Sherwin Williams, and I love it. I can pair it with pumpkin and white to brighten it up for summer, or all autumny colors.

The Blasphemous Fiendess said...

I love rich wood with the patina of age. Most of my furniture is like that and brown is one of my favourite colours; it is so rich ad warm. I use other rich warm earthy tones in my home too and people often comment on how warm and inviting my home is. white painted furniture looks good to me in photos but I can't live with it.