Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sarah Saw Something - the family edition

Most weekends, I post about little bits and bobs I found interesting around the interwebs.  This week, I was busy doting on my boys and attending to my family.  So I'm including photos from a recent snuggle session.  Yesterday, I asked Walker what he'd like to do in the afternoon and he replied, "Cuddle with Charlie in his crib."  So here they are: the snuggle bug brothers.

Click the arrow to catch up on the conversation:

Thank you for bearing with my gratuitous "aren't my children adorable" post.
I'm totally smitten, as you can see.


Römina said...

Very very sweet !!

Notes From ABroad said...

Who wouldn't be totally smitten ?!
They are both the sweetest things... I love these photos. Thank you !

Anonymous said...

Those darling boys.....would love to just smooch their little faces! My grandchildren put up with Grammie's kisses alot!
The photos make me happy just to look at them!

Anonymous said...

they ARE adorable, Sarah :)

anita said...

sweetest thing ever.

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

Oh my, they are so cute together. I'm so happy for you, to see your boys at home, having fun. I think, that as a parent, it's all you want.

Ann said...

And you should be totally smitten! Absolutely darling little boys.

I love the intermingled legs and feet.

my favorite and my best- MFAMB to you said...

i would give anything in the world of fiona would answer to cuddle with you (or anything) to a what do you want to do question.
my kid is NOT affectionate AT ALL and it hurts me in my core.

THAT is adorable!

A Perfect Gray said...

so beautiful. the best post ever...donna

Rosa said...

Que guapos y tiernos.

Melissa Crochet said...

Cutest kids in town!

Anonymous said...

I stop in on your blog every so often to get inspiration for interiors, but that video is too sweet to not comment about. Kids really do say the funniest, most honest, incredible things...and I am sure they'll appreciate that you invaded their privacy when, 20 years from now, they are able to watch that wonderful little moment together. So cute!

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled on your blog.. Love all yur pics and ideas, but this "idea" is the best.

I raised 5 kids and kept the video camera handy 24/7. Ended up with about 30 videos that literally chronicle their growing up years..most of it impromptu like yours, not necessarily school plays!
My kids are all grown now and love watching these old videos. As for me, sometimes I cry for I long for my babies long gone. Treasure, treasure treasure these times for they don't last forever.

Again, these pictures are the most important pictures on your blog. Blessings to you and yours...