Saturday, March 17, 2012

Éire go Brách

...otherwise known as "Ireland Forever!"  Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you sweet Celts out there.  I, myself, am a mucked up mix of Irish, Scottish, French and some random Nordic strain I know very little about.  However, I celebrate my Irish heritage with confidence and pride on St. Paddy's Day!


Of course, my most favorite thing to ever come out of Ireland, besides my mother's family, is the Book of Kells.  I love it so much that I even have bits of it tattooed on my body.  Éire go Brách!

For those of you who are not Irish (or for those of you who are and would like a good laugh) please click HERE for a little education and clarification about the common St. Patty / St. Paddy mix up. Enjoy yourselves today and for God's sake don't be a daft eejit and get into trouble.


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