Friday, March 16, 2012

An Art Adventure

I've had this feeling lately - an overwhelming urge to flee my life for a few days and engage in some adventure.  Nothing permanent, just a little trip to re-set my creative buttons and clear my head.  Maybe I'd make a little art, enjoy a little food and explore a new place.  I'd hop on my bicycle and ride...

I'd stop somewhere beautiful and bustling and brand new to me.

Maybe I would ride to China...

...or France.

I'd bring along my trusty paint brushes...

and paint something pleasant.

Then I would come home to these two goofballs and smother them in kisses.

All photos found at Crush Cul De Sac.


  1. This sounds lovely! I've been itching to get away as well. I think I will take refuge in my office and make some art to tide me over!

  2. Looks like the perfect trip - I would love to go away as well - get some air under my wings - bliss!!
    Happy weekend to you all,

  3. Sarah...beautiful, beautiful post...and I agree.. Art does make you happy. I'm about to 'get on my bike' very, very soon. A bientot!

  4. Beautifully inspiring post! I want to pull out my paintbrushes too. :)
    Thanks for that.


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