Monday, March 19, 2012

My Vegetable Garden is In!

So after posting about it HERE, I decided to finally bite the bullet and start a veggie garden!  I've never done any of this kind of gardening, so I know absolutely nothing about how its done.  So, this weekend I just jumped in with both feet.   I built an 8x3 foot raised bed, and filled it with veggies I like to eat.  Here are some photos of my process. 

I had a little help from my four-yer-old son, Walker.  
This was his first time using a power tool!  
Every little boy needs an opportunity to squeeze a cordless power drill, don't you agree?

Bags and bags of soil. 

I decided to put it where the tree was removed this winter.  
It was a big bright open space just asking to be filled!

Of course, I invited my little garden gods to participate (see below).

And here it is, all finished.
This is my first crack at veggie gardening, so cross your fingers!

In the raised bed:
2 cucumber
5 pea vines
1 cherry tomato
1 big boy tomato
1 yellow bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
2 zucchini
3 broccoli
2 strawberry
4 red cabbage
1 eggplant

...and in a container on the patio:
1 basil
1 dill


  1. It looks terrific - good job! Nice, dark lush soil and good location is a great start.

  2. Cannot believe YOU did all this work!
    But it will pay off for sure. There is nothing more fun than showing your children the growth of the veggies.

  3. wow how cool! i really need to do this too!

  4. So jealous right now! We're moving mid-summer so there's no point in starting a garden. Love the set-up of yours!

  5. wow that's crazy and awesome. good luck. post photos when they start growing and when you use them in your meals!

  6. I was in a cleaning frenzy this weekend and happened upon my husbands power tools and some extra wood. I very nearly built something, but instead chose to rearrange the furniture around the house. This weekend, however, I just might do it. I've been saving the compost items for my neighbor, but I just might start saving it for myself! This is lovely! I can't wait to see how your garden grows.

  7. It looks great!! I am going to grow a little basket of greens on my balcony this year. It is a bit shady but greens will do okay. I wish I had the heat and sun for tomatoes!

  8. Ooooh I bet those veggies will be scrumptious! Look at that lovely soil...merde!

  9. Looks great! My husband and I are thinking about starting a garden...I usually kill a lot of things, but somehow, I'v been able to keep my basil and chives alive in the kitchen, so now I REALLY want to try a garden!

  10. te felicito!!que buena idea!!mostranos el progreso,amor y paz en tu vida


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