Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pantry Jars From IKEA

Remember this post from two weeks ago?  
Oh, and this one too.

I recently embarked on a weight loss plan that involves eating mostly plant based and raw foods.  This, as you can imagine, has completely shifted my needs in the kitchen and pantry.  Most of the meals I'm preparing call for fruits, veggies, raw seeds and nuts.  And when my pantry is in shambles, clouded with lots of processed canned food, its hard to find what I'm looking for.  Enter IKEA with their inexpensive and awesome pantry jars.

My pantry (and life) are still in transition as I shift from my normal American diet to a mostly raw eating plan, but my hope is that my pantry and kitchen will soon reflect my new diet.  Its a slow process, but getting my dry goods organized and labeled is a big first step. 

Ta da!


  1. Now that is one good looking pantry! Congrats!

  2. It turned out amazing!! You're making me want to get organized too! xo


  3. It looks so fantastic!! Well done.

  4. love the pantry, but REALLY admire your label making skills (and patience). I need to do that!

  5. Lovely pantry! Enjoy the gorgeous day, Kellie xx

  6. Love it, so organised! I have to be organised in the kitchen too, it's a good feeling :-)

  7. Sarah- Aww, you got rid of the Ghiradelli brownie mix!

    I've been changing my diet too, and have dropped my chocolate candy bar habit. I'm using Lara Bars in their place. (so good!)

    But every Friday I do bake a batch of brownies. I've reverse engineered the Dark Chocolate Ghiradelli Mix but use olive oil and white whole wheat flour in my version and add some ground nuts.

    Your pantry looks GREAT!



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