Friday, December 09, 2016

Figure Drawing

I majored in literature and theatre and missed out on any sort of formal art training. That is why it is with great curiosity and excitement that I am attending ongoing figure drawing sessions with my studio mate, Jay Bailey. He is hosting a series of artist gatherings where attendees sketch with a live model for a three-hour spell. He calls it "Drawing Club", which I love because who doesn't want to be a part of a club? So far we don't have any secret hand shakes, but our studio has definitely become the club house.

Last night we turned up the space heaters and 10 artists showed up after dark practice this long-standing tradition of figure drawing. We are of varying skill levels and Jay, who leads the session, is able to offer instruction when and if it is wanted. It's super chill and so much fun. If you're in the area, you should join us! Find out more about it HERE.

Here are two of my pencil drawings from last night:

And here are a few paintings from last night.
I used a Japanese style brush and black high flow acrylic paint. 

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