Friday, December 30, 2016

Art Studio Spruce-Up

I'm back from the holiday break. My blog analytics tell me that I still have readers - dear, committed readers - who are here reading away during my absence. I've been blogging here at La Maison Boheme for eight years (Eight!) and some of you have been readers from the beginning. Thank you for being here, friends.

Our family holiday was calm and uneventful, which is exactly how I wanted it to be. I hope you and yours had a lovely, peace-filled day or two as well. I returned to my studio yesterday to work on a few pieces and re-organize my space a bit.

I've introduced a few sword plants into the studio not only as a way of greening up the space, but to add some natural air filtration and oxygenation. The Continental Gin Building is old and our windows don't open easily.

I also received a beautiful hanging Ganesha for Christmas that now hangs in my personal studio space. Those of you who are longtime readers know that I have a thing for Lord Ganesha, remover of obstacles. He is always with me - even in my car. The next large form series that I'll be working on has some serious Ganesha inspiration and energy, and I'm so happy to have such a large and colorful depiction of him hanging in the space.

Tomorrow, check back in for my annual "Year In Review". 

1 comment:

  1. The sword plants are a valuable addition to your stimulating studio! As I recall, they are fairly hearty. I should invest in a few for my living space.
    I shall look forward to your year-in-review post. I wish you a successful & healthy New Year.


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