To soothe myself during the loss of my own garden, I visited the Skyview Harmony Garden yesterday and installed a mini-weather station for the fourth grad science students who are studying weather patterns this month. Here are some photos of our little Eden.
The Skyview Harmony Garden received a few transplants from my own garden. This robust culinary sage is happily tucked into its new home. And now our Skyview families and faculty can take home fresh herbs for their Thanksgiving feasts.
We just started building our winter hoop houses. The frames are up. We'll secure them next week and be ready with the frost cloth when the icy Texas weather hits (if it ever does).
I saved a few potted plants for my new little apartment patio. This sweet little corner has Mint, Succulents and a big potted white Vinca. As my mother-in-law pointed out, at least there won't be any more fire ants or garden snakes to contend with.
Happy Election Day!
I'm so happy you have a little garden spot on your patio. I'm sure you have some house plants as well. Lovely.