Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Intention: Slow Down, Notice

This week, I visited my father in Ashland, Oregon. He bought a sweet little house in July and I've been looking forward to seeing it for the first time. During our visit, my pops asked me to do a little rearranging of furniture, hanging of art and general zhooshing. We also had time to walk Lithia Park, eat lots of lovely meals and enjoy some uninterrupted chatting.

At the end of the week, he and I drove to Portland to attend Flora Bowley's Bloom True Art Workshop. This is something I've been hoping to do for a few years. I asked my Dad to come along, and he happily agreed. I think we were Flora's first ever father-daughter team. I'll write more about the workshop tomorrow - so much to share and unpack - but until then, here are some photos from my time in Ashland. My intention this week was to slow down and notice the world around me. Its amazing how fast life seems to whoosh by if you're not paying attention. I'm still working on moving at a slower pace... but this week was good practice.

Here are two quick shots of my Dad's place after I did a little design magic. He already had all of the furniture and rugs and art. I just put the puzzle together. All of the art hanging in his dining room is his own original work. You can find some of it HERE.


  1. Oh, what a talent!
    And yours.

  2. What a lovely time. Your dad has fantastic taste and is a wonderful artist. I see where you get it from Sarah!

  3. Looking at your nature photos instantly mellowed me out :-) I needed it at that moment? I'm going to look at them whenever I'm feeling stressed. Thanks for sharing. Can we upload your images to Pinterest?


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