Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Today, my son Charlie turns 5-years-old! Where has the time gone? All I can say, is that I am beyond proud of this beautiful child. What a transformation you've made, baby boy! 

This year, for Charlie's birthday, we've purchased a handicapped accessible van to better deal with Charlie's Cerebral Palsy and hemiplegia. If you'd like to contribute, check out our crowd funding campaign! Please watch the video below and check out all of the details HERE.


Visit our Go Fund Me site to donate and share our story on social media.
For more information about Charlie, visit HelpCharlieHeal.com.


Full disclosure: Go Fund Me takes 8% off the top of your donations, 
while Paypal only takes 3% in fees. Charlie's Paypal donation button is below
if you prefer that to Go Fund Me.

Thank you for all your love and support!

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