In 1919, a reporter for the Washington Post described the Krazy Kat Klub as being “something like a Greenwich Village coffee house”, featuring “gaudy pictures created by futurists and impressionists.” It was also mentioned in the published diary of Washington, D.C. resident Jeb Alexander, who described the club as a “Bohemian joint in an old stable up near Thomas Circle - a gathering place for artists, musicians, atheists and professors.” Sounds like my kind of place!
The big feature of the Krazy Kat Klub was a tree house built in the center of an outdoor courtyard. Visitors could climb into the treehouse, have a smoke and order drinks. Here are some photos of the Krazy Kat Klub and it's clientele below. Notice the sign above the door that says, "All soap abandon ye who enter here!"
All photos via Shorpy
Very nice pictures.