Monday, February 10, 2014

Fig Tree

Gardening is an exercise in hope. As I write this, I have 8 egg cartons of happy little green seedlings - kale, spinach, chard, carrots, nasturtiums and mixed greens - all growing steadily in a cold frame in my back yard. I am not experienced in the ways of vegetable gardening, but I have no lack of optimism.

A few weeks ago, I picked up a Celeste Fig tree for my back yard garden project. I knew I wanted to have some kind of fruit tree, but it must be able to withstand our North Texas weather - freezing temps in the winter and 100 plus degrees in the summer. Celeste Figs do very well here, from what I understand and my husband and I love figs. So my small, bare Fig is home and in the ground. I've composted, mulched and prayed. Now, we wait.



When I dream of figs...




Here's my little guy newly planted in the back yard.



  1. So fabulous! How long until a little tree that size starts to produce fruit? We had a fig tree randomly growing in the "wild" section of our backyard near Fort Hood. I'd find my dog eating fallen figs off the ground! (: I've really been enjoying these Radical Homemaking posts.


  2. How wonderful! I can't wait until we have our own piece of land again. In our last home I had a private back yard filled with blooming vines, hydrangea, roses, peonies and lilac. Gardening has been one of my most satisfying hobbies. When I had finally created enough rich soil for my vegetable garden we had to move. My seedling gear is in a box ready for next spring. Can't wait to see your garden as we near summer! Please keep us updated!

  3. mmmm I love figs and I cant wait to have a fig tree in my backyard garden soon. This is going to be so beautiful Sarah. Looking forward to seeing it produce:)


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