Monday, January 06, 2014

This Week In the Studio | Incense

This weekend I cleaned up my art studio and put away all of the Christmas wrapping and holiday refuse. Sometimes when I'm cleaning, I like to burn a stick of incense or a little sage bundle to help clear the energy while I'm dealing with the dust and clutter. I always have a box of Indian incense sticks laying around, which I purchase from World Market. My favorite is Lotus. Today, my studio is clean, clear and ready for me to paint and write. It also smells heavenly. Do you ever burn incense? What do you use - sticks? smudge? cones?

Here are some shots of my studio after the clean and purge. 
I've also got a few visiting plant refugees and seedlings, 
brought in from the 10 degree temps in the back yard.

And here is where I do all of my blogging!

Also, today is the last day of my tastemaker sale at Arcadian Home.
Check it out HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the loveliness of your studio. I love incense too. My fave is always nag champa...


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