Monday, January 20, 2014

Homemade Pizza Dough

Hello dear readers and welcome to another installation of Radical Homemaking! I've decided to make this a weekly feature on the blog. It's become a big part of our home life and as always, my goal at La Maison Boheme is to reflect the real journey I'm taking with my family and our beloved bohemian home. I usually come back from the weekend with some kind of domestic morsel to share, so Monday seems like a natural day for my weekly feature.

For some of you, most of the changes I'm making will not seem radical in the slightest. But for me (a girl who grew up buying genetically modified food on credit) and my family, baking our own bread from scratch, gardening, composting, hang drying our clothes, fermenting our own yogurt and shifting our connection away from corporate America is totally new - radical even.

I've been experimenting in the kitchen this weekend. One of the unexpected gifts of living more simply is that my first reaction to almost everything is, "I bet I could make that". Last night my six-year-old wanted to order pizza. Since my husband and I are laser-focused on our budget - a plan to help us cut all ties to big corporate banks and their nasty credit cards - ordering pizza wasn't really doable. So, I rolled up my sleeves, poked through a few bread books and found a rustic whole wheat crust that would do just fine.

Now I just need to learn how to make my own wine to pair with the pizza!
What is your favorite pizza dough recipe?
Please share because I'm hooked.


  1. Enough for 3 hungry teens, 2 adults with some left over to make some bread sticks. 4 cups wheat flour, about 1/2 teaspoon salt, a good slurp of virgin olive oil (I guess about a tablespoon, I don't know you just kind of make a sweeping pour over the bowl) and yeast (follow directions on the pack). Make a soft dough with warm water, knead for about 10 minutes and then let rise in a warm place until about double the size. I use a terracotta pizza stone to bake on, heated in the oven and then the pizza quickly assembled on top. Make bread sticks with long "ropes" of dough cut to even lengths with left overs, they can be let detour in a lower temp oven. Mmm... Maybe pizza here tonight.

  2. The Friday Night pizza receipe from ANIMAL VEGETABLE MIRACLE has been my go-to for a long time. Makes a ton of dough--we eat for a few days. Great on the grill as well.

  3. Sarah- Oh, your radical ways will make it so easy for you to be the first to guest post "A Little Green Thing I Do" on my blog! i just finished the guidelines and will email them to you. Yea!

    I use white whole wheat flour for pizza crusts, 1 1/2 cups warm water, 2 Tbl. olive oil, 4 1/4 cups white whole wheat flour, 2 tsp sugar, 2tsp dry yeast.

    (I add no salt because I always use Prego pasta sauce for our pizzas, and it provides plenty of salt to the pizza Always homemade crust, and always Prego, lol! Maybe you need to post a radical sauce recipe that kids will eat, they do lap up the Prego!)

    For focaccia, I use the same recipe and top with sea salt and herbs - my favorite easy-thing-to-bake to bring to friend's homes.



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