Friday, January 17, 2014

Arbor & Bench Swing

Remember when I posted about THIS bench swing in November? I picked it up at a neighborhood yard sale and hoped to build some sort of frame from which to hang it. Unfortunately, I don't know the first thing about building anything.

My parents to the rescue! My mom and step-dad have been visiting this week and devoted two days to building a gorgeous arbor for my swing as a late Christmas gift! I'm over the moon!

Here is my amazing step-dad teaching me how to use my new hand saw. He looked at some photos I'd pulled from Pinterest and between he and my mom, drafted a working plan for the construction of the arbor. And since my backyard isn't level, my parents had to do some fine calculations to make each post the right height for the arbor site. And when it was all said and done, they nailed the measurements perfectly!

My six-year-old decided to suit up in his best construction costume and help out his Papa.

My three-year-old supervised.

And here it is - level and ready for a family swing in the back yard!

1 comment:

  1. Perfection! May you all swing together with great joy!


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