Friday, December 06, 2013

Blessing Bags for the Homeless

Today, Dallas is covered in a layer of ice. School is canceled, the streets are void of cars and the whole city is taking cover while the icy conditions stick through the weekend. My mind turns, of course, to those in the DFW area without shelter.

We, like many urban places, have a large homeless population. Since I'm usually in the car, I don't see them unless they're at intersections or off ramps approaching cars for money and help. If I have a little cash, I'll give it. But usually I'm unprepared and don't have anything to give.

This week I saw a post flash through my Facebook feed about creating "blessing bags" for the homeless. Basically, it's just a little pick-me-up kit stuffed full of things that might be of use to someone living on the streets. I know the problem of homelessness and poverty in our country is a complex issue and I don't pretend to know what each individual truly needs. But I like the idea of the Blessing Bag as a small gesture to say, "You are not alone."

So here is my offering:
Now I'm ready the next time I see that tell-tale cardboard sign, "Anything Will Help."

Here's what I included in my Blessing Bags:

bottle water
granola bar
bar of soap
new cotton socks
a rain poncho
single serving Tylenol
travel tissue
plastic utensils 

I also included one of my art print postcards with a hand-written message on the back.
It's nothing preachy - just simply "Have a safe and peaceful holiday."


...And remember to enter the Octavia Bloom Jewelry giveaway!
We're giving away a $60 gift certificate to spend online.

Enter HERE.


  1. Such a nice thing to do, blessings!

  2. So happy to see your outreach to your community. Doing this in our community, too.


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