Thursday, November 07, 2013

Radical Homemaking | School Farm Visit

I took my kids to a local public school last week to check out their amazing farm!  This school is growing a fantastic assortment of vegetables and raising hens. Our family considered this "research" for our own backyard garden and chicken coop.

As you may have read, my family is in the process of transitioning our home from a traditional household to a producing household. This simply means we're going to start making some of the food we eat. We're doing this for our health, for our education, for our environmental impact and for fun!

We are still very much in the preparation stages. We've finished the patio area and today, a new fence is being installed in our backyard. Since we've already started the composting process, our next step is to build our raised beds and prepare the soil. My kids and I got to see first hand how this school garden works their land and maintains their sweet, small flock of four laying hens. It was such a treat!

Charlie and I meet Betty the hen.

Walker feeds Wilma some spinach from the garden. 

The school irrigates their crops from this thousand gallon rain barrel.


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