A neighbor of mine just built a new patio and had a bunch of 8x10 inch chunks wood sitting around. I think they're unused pieces of sawed-off decking. Anyway, she happily gave them to me to be used for this year's mantel décor. Here's what I did:
1. Sand the edges - because splinters suck the Christmas spirit right out of you.
2. Using a pencil, freehand sketch the block letters - I'm a wing-it kind of girl.
3. Then using any paint you like, paint the negative space, leaving the woodgrain letter unpainted.
Very Nice!
ReplyDeleteI love your house! It is so cute, and matches your style completely.
ReplyDeletegenius. I love picking up other people's crap and turning it into something awe.some. :)R
ReplyDeleteI love this idea, Sarah. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThat's very pretty Sarah. I keep seeing turquoise and fuchsia, that's just not Christmasy to me. I love red and gold and the more traditional colours.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Veronica - red, green, gold and silver all the way!
ReplyDeleteoh so neat. love that you left the negative natural.