Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Life Lessons from my Son

Today is my son's sixth birthday, so I thought I'd share a little story about him. Two weeks ago, my husband and I attended a much anticipated wedding ceremony for our dear friend Kevin. Kevin and his partner Keith were hosting a ceremony to honor their wedding, which took place this summer in New York City. Here they are on their wedding day:

My son, Walker, wanted to make a picture for the happy couple and a marvelous conversation ensued:

Walker: I’d like to draw a picture for the couple getting married.
Sarah: Great! They’d love that.
Walker: Now is it a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or a man and a woman getting married?
Sarah: Good question. It’s a man and a man.
Walker: Good. Then I’ll draw two people with short hair. And I guess man clothes.
Sarah: Do you want to see a photo of them? (I show him the photo above.)
Walker: Oh, one is bald, that’s good to know. And look how smiley they are!

Walker's lesson:
Unconditional love, compassion and inclusion are our natural state. 
It really is that simple.

Kevin wrote a beautiful post about Walker, the picture, the conversation and the marriage ceremony on his blog, HERE.  I urge you to take a look and read Kevin's beautiful post. I'm so proud of my son and so happy to be his mama. Here is the picture:

Walker - happy birthday darling boy. 
You are a wonder and I love you so very much!


  1. I kind of want to hook Walker up with Ruby when they get older. :)

  2. Thanks for the reminder about life lessons from Walker! Also the 6 years in photos. He is a wonderful human being, and handsome, too! Lots of fun being his Seattle Gramie! xoxoxo

  3. this is how everyone should raise their children!
    sweet Walker sweet mama sweet couple!

  4. thank you! I could say so much about this, but he is an amazing soul and I think his parents have something to do with it. Beautiful. Can I share this please?

  5. Yes, Margje-Margo, please feel free to share! xo

  6. So proud of Walker. So proud of his parents. This is our future. Thank Goodness!

  7. This makes me smile, all the way to my liver. :)


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