Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Patio in Progress

The cement is laid! We have some small tile repairs to do when the rain lets up but the back yard is definitely shaping up. There is still a lot to do (get the new gate installed, build some raised beds for my veggie garden and do a little back yard landscaping) but I'm thrilled to have it all underway and looking good. Now Charlie will be able to use the back yard with his wheel chair and walker!  YAY!

I've included some construction photos below, but first... have you entered our current giveaway? Loretta Fontaine, jewelry maven and silversmith extraordinaire, is making one lucky Maison Boheme reader a custom photo necklace! All you have to do is follow THIS link and enter. Even if you don't wear necklaces remember that the holidays are coming... so enter and then decide who you'll give it to!

And remember to enter our giveaway!


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