Monday, September 16, 2013

Home from Squam Art Workshops

I've just returned from five days in the woods of New Hampshire at Squam Lake where I attended two workshops and met the loveliest people. But it was so much more than that. It was a quiet and healing time for me. I feel so renewed and full.

via La Maison Boheme on Instagram

via La Maison Boheme on Instagram

This fall, Squam Art Workshops teamed up with Taproot Magazine to create a retreat for artists, homesteaders, writers, crafters, knitters and like minded participants to get centered, learn a new skill or hone an existing one. This journey was extra special because my Mama attended with me! Here is a glimpse at my time away.

After driving north from Boston, a 2.5 hour trip, we arrived to smiling faces, clean beds and tidy cabins. It was very warm, so my Mama and I poured a couple of gin and tonics and took a dip in the lake.

Each participant received a canvas tote bag filled with lovely offerings: the current issue of Taproot, a linen napkin and mason jar cup to use at meals and reduce overall waste during our stay, a zippered pouch from Spud & Chloe, a napkin ring and a book of our choosing from Roost Books.

The first night, Elizabeth Duvivier founder and director of the workshops, and Amanda Blake Soule, editor of Taproot and author of the blog SouleMama, welcomed us to Squam and introduced our instructors. I was so fortunate to meet and work with Julia Shipley, teaching Your Story - a writing workshop, and also Suzy Pilgrim, teaching Color & Composition - an painting and mixed-media workshop. 

Here's a photo of my mama, soaking in all the good Squamee vibes.

The best part of my time?
Waking up each morning to this:

Mama, thank you for taking this wonderful journey with me.

If you have a chance, go check out Amanda Blake Soule's blog posts about her time at Squam. They're really wonderful - as is the photo below, which she took on our last night at the campgrounds. 

Photo via SouleMama

And to my amazing sponsor who paid my tuition... 
thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
You have given me an astonishing gift. 

More posts about my time at Squam HERE, HERE and HERE


  1. Amazing!! So jealous.. and very glad it was as wonderful as you hoped! That scenery!! So NOT soul is starved for cool breezes and green things...

  2. I was so glad to meet a fellow Texas Mama there! Your blog and stories are so inspirational and I hope to see that scarf you were knitting when its done. I love the picture of the red rock! <3

  3. What a beautiful post about squam. Your images are stunning and brought me right in. I felt as if I was there. Squam is such a magical place and this Taproot Squam gathering looked beyond words. xo


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