Thursday, June 06, 2013

Portrait Art Project

I'm so excited to travel to Las Vegas tomorrow to teach You are Your Own Muse - a writing and art workshop at Selah. I've been hard at work on the demonstration materials and syllabus - I've included a photo below. If you are interested in attending (Saturday from 9am - 5pm) there are still two more spots open. Click HERE to register! I'll be away from La Maison Boheme for the next three days, but will certainly be back on Monday with photos of my weekend!

artist, Sarah Greenman

I've been collecting inspiring and interesting portraits on Pinterest. Follow along if you like!
Here are a few from the collection - a little something to get inspired!

artist, Sally Muir

artist, Jylian Gustlin

artist, Deva Suckerman

artist, Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo

artist, Kirstina Alisauskaite

artist, Katie Young

artist, Irana Douer

I'll leave you with a photo I took of my son in 2009 
and a reminder to be all of who you are.

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