Saturday, May 11, 2013

Trying something new - oil pastels

Did any of you see THIS post Jenny from My Favorite and My Best did a few weeks ago about oil pastels. I love seeing what other artists are doing. Then I get super inspired and copy them because I respect them so much. A can't afford the beautiful expensive Sennelier pastels yet, so I started out with some cheapies just to see if I even liked working with them. I love them so much even though I have no idea how to use them. But my modus operandi has always been experiment, experiment, experiment. Here are four pieces I'll share with you. The other artworks are for my private collection (a.k.a. the garbage).

Buoy  -  9"x12" oil pastel on paper

Contact  -  9"x12" oil pastel on paper

Leaving Early  -  9"x12" oil pastel on paper

Toy Gun  -  9"x12" oil pastel on paper

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Love these Sarah! I have also used pastels over oils paints for extra expression. Oh and I agree, l try to see what other artists are doing and experiment.

    Art by Karena


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