Monday, March 18, 2013

Octavia Bloom Winner

Hello dear readers - sorry I'm posting so late today.  My office is in a tail spin and my computer is buried beneath a pile of books and paper. I had to wait until my man returned home from work with his laptop. 

Yesterday, my husband and I rearranged our entire home.  Everything except for the living room had some kind of major change.  The house is put back together, but my office is still in the ground zero stages.  So, onto the business of the day... 

Congratulations to Robinanne, 
winner of a 50 dollar gift certificate to Octavia Bloom!

Thank you to everyone who entered.
Have a great Monday!


  1. That you so much for the gift certificate. I look forward to selecting something beautiful!

  2. Can't wait to see the new studio!!


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