Friday, September 14, 2012

Wardrobe Changes

Last week I donated four blue Ikea bags full of plus sized clothing.  Basically, an entire size 24 wardrobe left my home in body bags. I have 42 free hangers in my closet.  It feels so strange to purge a collection of clothing that I spent over a decade amassing. The only thing I kept was a pair of blue jeans - a reminder of of my former self.  I'm happily down to a size 16 now.  I know that seems large for some people, but at six feet tall, it looks just right on me.

But back to this empty closet. I'm not in a financial position to run out and fill it up or anything, but I've been scheming and collecting data. My lifestyle has changed a lot in the last 10 years and my old wardrobe, while lovely, was a little out of sync with my current aesthetic. So I look at this as the perfect opportunity to re-tool my look.  Pinterest is a big help.  As I look over my fashion pin-board, I notice that my style is kind of "Annie Hall" meets casual Jane Austin.  Good to know as I'm hunting down new pieces for my wardrobe. If you'd like to see what I'm thinking about, click HERE to follow my fashion picks on Pinterest. What's on your fall shopping list?

And speaking of fashion, don't forget to enter to win this
beautiful bracelet cuff (a $39 value) from One Man's Trash. 

Enter HERE


  1. WOW - LOVE your style - I could happily wear each and every one of these outfits! It's nice to have found a description for the sort of things that I like, and I am now proud to join the official "Jane Austen/Annie Hall" fashion club - lol! Off to take a closer look at your Pinterest now - delighted to have found you!
    Best wishes,
    Paula x

  2. My style is similar to yours and I am an avid thrift shop patron. I also shop consignment. Since the trend followers have abandoned the boho chic look, the kinds of things I like are showing up in thrift shops. I cannot afford Anthropologie or Free People but I can pretty much put together my own look that is similar.

    My greatest challenge is that I am tall and curvy so I look best in fitted things whereas I tend to be drawn to loose, flowy things.

    You look so happy and healthy and beautiful. Enjoy styling your new self and check out those thrift shops!

  3. Doesn't it feel good to free yourself of all that old stuff? And clearly you have the most wonderful style so some lucky people will benefit from your IKEA bags. This whole post just makes me so happy!

  4. First, congratulations!! That is so inspiring. And your style is stunning. Also, isn't Pinterest wonderful? It has been critical in me honing my eye and "point of view" from fashion to design. Glad you love it too! Have a great weekend! - C

  5. Oh, the possibilities are endless. Happy shopping beautiful.

  6. I recommend the blog Everyday Glamour by Kate Ringo-Suzuki. She's a stylist and guides you through bulding a wardrobe that's manageable and "you" so that you don't regret your clothing purchases. Reading her blog and the workbook has totally changed the way I dress. I think you'd find value in it.

  7. What an awesome feeling that must have been! You will collect pieces you really love if you are forced to do it slowly. Which is hard but makes you really think each purchase through so you only get things that you know you truly want. Congrats!


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