Saturday, August 04, 2012

My son's second birthday!

My Charlie Bear turns two today. I'm amazed when I look back over these short 24 months and remember all that has passed for this little guy.  For those of you who have been keeping up with his progress, thank you for all your support and kind thoughts.  For those of you new to the blog, my son has some serious medical conditions that have made his little life quite difficult at times.  You can read all about it HERE.

But today, Charlie is doing very well.  He is just now sitting up on his own with gusto and handling his seizure meds beautifully.  He smiles, laughs, communicates with sign language and plays all sorts of marvelous games.  To put it plainly, he's kicking ass.

When I was little and my birthday rolled around, my parents would tell me the story of my birth.  I always loved hearing it. I hope that Charlie will love hearing his birth story as well.  I also hope that the difficulties and concerns of Charlie's birth will be a distant memory, almost unimaginable to the ten, twelve, fifteen, thirty-year-old Charlie of the future.  He'll think, How did I grow into the man I am with such an impossible and rocky beginning?  We'll all just shrug our shoulders and say, We don't know, but we're so glad you did. 


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet Charlie!
    (And the sole reason he is kicking ass is because of YOU and his daddy and his extended family and the LOVE that surrounds him.)

  2. Happy HAPPY Birthday, Charlie!!!

  3. Aww, happy birthday, Charlie! He's been through so much and radiates such a sweet soul. What a beautiful slideshow...

  4. Happy Birthday Charlie! What a sweet and insightful post! :) He sure is lucky!


  5. What a beautiful little boy Charlie is. Soch a sweet face. I wish him much health and happiness for the year ahead and that his health problems will be a distant memory very soon. You sound like a great Mom. I always love it when people carry on traditions from their childhood. One tradition I really like is that you buy a men`s size white dress shirt and every year on your son`s bday you take a picture of him in that shirt (and then store it away for next year) then 20 years later he has a collection of him in that shirt in the same pose every year and you really get to see how much he has changed and grown each year. Just an idea for you.
    Happy bday Charlie!


  6. Happy birthday to your little one.
    Beautiful video.

  7. Happy Birthday to your sweet little man!
    I can just feel the love ooze from his birth video.
    He is a special boy and I wish him many more happy birthdays!

  8. The video was, once again, riveting. Thoughts: Walker looks so, so wee; you are unbelievably gorgeous; Charlie's expressions are sublime.

  9. You are an amazing family and have beautiful children. Charlie is lucky to have such a good and loving big brother. I love your blog.

    Julie Lindberg


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