Tuesday, August 07, 2012


Yesterday morning, I packed Charlie on my back and picked the first blackberries of the season.  There is an enormous tangle of blackberries on a hillside to the west of my Mama's house and they're just now  ripe!  After I plucked a basket full and brought them into the kitchen for washing, I realized that I would have paid about 10 bucks for this many berries at my local Whole Foods in Dallas.  Amazing.  And all I had to do was brave the thorns and pick my fill.  Do you live in a place where berries are yours free for the picking?


  1. OOOhhhh!!! I love it, marvellous, a dream unfortunatly I can't pick anything whera I live but I would love it.

  2. Oh childhood memories !
    My grandmother in NC was an amazing cook and baker and she would send my cousin and I out to pick berries and she would make cobblers for us.
    I would always go home, ( next door to grandmas house) covered in 'chigger' bites and a mouth stained purple :)

  3. This is my dream!!! But sadly not my reality. We live in central London. But maybe one day.......

  4. Yes! It is huckleberry season in our part of the woods. So yummy!

  5. notesfromabroad-- me too! Among my most cherished memories are picking in NC with Grandpa and my sibs, then helping Grandma make cobbler.

    alas, the blackberries that grow wild around here are too scant and woody for good eating.


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