Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day - A Question for You

Happy Mother's Day, dear readers.
 Today? A video for you... and a mish-mash of other stuff.


And here's the most recent family photo of me and my mens.  
It was taken in March by Monica Szkorla - a friend, doula client and local photographer.  
Thank's Monica for capturing this moment!
I have so much to be grateful for this Mother's Day!

And even though hubby is out of town, 
this sweet little note was the first thing in my in-box this morning:

Thank you, sweet man.
See you soon!


  1. #1- you look amazing!
    #2- happy mothers day!! you are such an awesome mom!
    #3- i would never in a million fucking years go alone zion national park after having announced it over the internets without bringing a gun and some serious rape repellent.

  2. Jenny - thank you for your concern darling girl. And no worries - I'm not "alone alone". I'll be in one of the most populated national parks hanging with lots of peeps. The "alone" time is me without children! If someone tries to rape a 6 foot, day-tripper with pepper spray, shuttling from lodge to art gallery to guided nature hike, they're going to be sorely disappointed with the results. XOXO

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you, Sarah!
    You are one hell of a devoted, savvy Mom!

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you as well. What I would do is take a spirit walk but this would in face require you being alone in the woods. It sounds like there has been a rapist there? Ugh! By spirit walk, I mean first centering yourself and bringing yourself into a soulful and spiritual mindset. Keep your mind focused this way and pay attention to every little thing, trying to discern whatever messages nature might have for you. Pick up small items that somehow resonate with you even if you can't understand why, like a certain stone, or twig, a leaf, or a feather. Whatever. When you return from your walk, spend some time reflecting on what you felt and the items you chose to pick up. It can be a fantastic experience. By the way, you are more blessed than you know. Peace.

  5. @ Bohemian Mamaw - I love the idea of a spirit walk. And I love the idea of gathering natural elements that speak to me along the way! Thank you. And yes - I am so very grateful for the many blessings which comprise my life. It's amazing, really.

  6. Sarah,
    Wow, what a great respite you will have!
    I however, would rather split my time up.
    Somewhere soft and serene, with somewhere hustling and bustling. I would want to go shop at fun outdoor markets and antique shops without hurrying and keeping an eye on my watch the whole time!

  7. Sarah,

    Amazing!!! You are so beautiful, seriously, WTF. I'm totally and completely crushing on you.

    Alone time in Zion, I'd find a professional male lover and have him dote on me, feeding me, massaging me, and wait...what? Oh, right, in the real world, ha..ha!

    I like that spirit walk the other gal mentioned. I know I would do a lot of journaling and taking photos along the way with the intention of turning those photos and words into a book to mark the memory. I'd do a lot of meditation and send positive thoughts out into the world for my friends who need it. And definitely do my best to actually log all of the walking/hiking I'd be doing because it is nice to see how far I would have walked at the end of a journey.

    Have fun and I can't wait to read all about it!

    Seriously, you are beautiful!

  8. Bianca - you darling girl. Thank you for the sweet comment! I'm feeling good these days and certainly the zion trip is going to be a great finish to my Smaller Sarah year ( And you crack me up with your male lover - I'm not sure Jack would be on board. Ha! I love the idea of clocking all my miles while I'm away. XO


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