Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sarah Saw Something

It's time for another installment of Sarah Saw Something!  I usually post about things I found interesting on the interwebs, but this weekend I thought I'd share some personal photos.  I spent the better part of yesterday morning facilitating art time with three beautiful little boys.  One of them was my own, and the other two have been house guests for the past two weeks.  There is nothing more enlivening or soulful than watching little ones go crazy with a box of paints. 


  1. Love, love, love the art shots. Look at those sweet toes, that's art right there!

  2. Sarah what could be more fun than an art day with the children! Love to see them being so creative!

    I am having a $100 Gift Card Giveaway from Soft Surroundings If you would like to enter.

    Art by Karen

  3. Is there anything cuter than the hands or feet of children? Especially babies or toddlers?


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