Saturday, February 04, 2012

My Friend, Ganesha

I have always been drawn to the Hindu God, Ganesha - Remover of Obstacles.  I have a small wood figurine of Ganesha that appeared in my home about ten years ago.  I'm not sure where he came from, but I'm glad he showed up.  It's been a tough week in my home as we're still dealing with the emotional fallout of Charlie's recent MRI.  (You can read about that HERE.)  Sometimes I see Ganesha as a little spirit, pulling me through the difficult moments with his little rope, sweeping the debris aside with his trunk.  I am not Indian, nor do I study Hinduism - but for some reason, Ganesha speaks to me.  I'm sure that you also have unexplained affinities for deities or iconic figures from other cultures.  Who are they and how did they come to befriend you?


...and here is my little Ganesha.
He's only about three inches tall, but he's a powerful little guy.


  1. Do you have a photo of your Ganesha?
    I would love to see it. I hope things go well for you this week. Here's a hug.....( )

  2. More hugs from way out yonder. Thanks for another lovely post. (Oh, and for me, it's not such an iconographic figure/deity, but rather the Himalayas, as symbols of the sacred, that have always moved me.)

  3. It is said, we don't choose our God, He chooses us. It is one of the reasons many people get a CALL and change their religions. From childhood I had strange faith in Jesus. But somehow I began to feel Krishna (my mother has extreme faith in Him. I got His signs and felt his presence. Afterwards, gradually my sister who would have faith in Shiva , drawn to Krishna.
    We do 'Puja'of Ganesha as well. Ganesha is 'Vighnharta'- kills troubles. May He kills all your troubles and spread Joy in your life. :)

  4. I love the first picture. It is really interesting.

  5. The first 'annotated' photo is such a great description. I have always admired Ganesha's multiple arms that spoke to me about the ability to balance many things at once while staying focused (and usually seated!). May your week ahead be one where balance eases and the extra arms can spend more time hugging!! xoxoxo

  6. I have a beautiful Ganesha model that I have had since I was little. Lovely post
    xx Gabi xx

  7. Your Ganesha is just lovely. Sending hugs and prayers your way. xoxo

  8. I too believe in Ganesh....and have several Ganesh in my home. Your little Ganesh is lovely. xx

  9. I have a lovely Happy Buddha. I bought him last year as a birthday present to myself.
    He sits on my dresser and does his job daily -- makes me smile when I look at him.

  10. hi,

    I started reading your blog couple of months back during thanksgiving . I am delurking to post my first comment.

    I read your post on gratitude and the picture moved me such beautiful words.

    My son is the gardener who makes my soul blossom. My son is diagnosed with ASD and I could relate a tiny bit to your days. kids have power to bring such joy in us .

    The reason I am delurking - you wrote about my fav god - ganesha and in my native language we call him pillaiyar. he has been my source of eternal strength and I talk to him to everyday when I need strength. he is revered so much in India and he is remover of obstables and grants our wishes. Every wish I'd asked righ from childhood has come true.

    I find a strange connection that brought me to your blog among millions of blog.

    Sending hugs and positive vibes your way.

    cms raman

  11. I am not religious but I can relate to your to draw towards Ganesha for what he stands for. I have a happy Buddha that sits next to me on my desk, he was a gift from a dear friend when I was going through a difficult time some years ago, and his jolly self makes me smile every day and makes me grateful for all that is good in my life.

    Sending love and hugs your day, sweet Sarah.

    Meera xx

  12. I must say that your collection is very beautiful..Want to ask you one question .. how you got inspired by lord Ganesha????


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