Friday, February 10, 2012

Bohemian Bookworm

I know you're probably tired of all my book posts.  But I'm obsessed.  I'm a bohemian bookworm through and through.  I've got piles of books lying around my house and any piece of stationary furniture has the potential of becoming a permanent book depository.  On my side table right now: The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott and Shakespeare's King John (I'm working on a Constance monologue for an upcoming audition.) 











  1. Ha- you should see my family room wall of books which, by the way, sadly has been filled up for 2 years now. I need to make a donation to Half Price Books...

    What would a home be without its books? I would be lost.

  2. Very inspiring and a perfect post for me. We just moved into a loft and the bedroom has a lofted bookshelf with a ladder! I can't wait to fill it with all my books. Thank you for the beautiful images.

  3. should have ended this post with a very clean looking room with a kindle on the coffee table.

    Actually I use my kindle constantly, but some of the old books and a few of the new specialized ones aren't available this I still have piles of books!

  4. Adore these images and I must read "French Women Don't Get Fat"!! Need all the help I can get. A bientot.

  5. Love Anne Lamott!
    Tell me you've read 'Operating Instructions!!!!!'

  6. Oh yes Anita - "Operating Instructions" was my first introduction to her work. Someone I love gave it to me when I was pregnant with Walker five years ago. It's my favorite!

  7. wow i love this post so much. if i could spend all my time reading i totally would! I love barbara kingsolver so much, mostly because 'a prodigal summer' is for sure in my top ten favorite books!

  8. Shawna ( 11, 2012 at 12:44 PM

    I love books too! I have a book buying addiction but at least I get them second hand most of the time. I also cannot let go of them. I have no bookshelf in my apartment so they are stacked. Beside my bed I have a stack of about 75 books I have yet to read. It makes me so excited!


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