Thursday, January 19, 2012

Charlie and Kenna's Kids

Its been a while since I've shared an update on Charlie.  As most of my long-time readers know, Charlie had a stroke before he was born, the effects of which cause him lots of physical delays.  He's almost 18 months old, but cannot use words, sit up or crawl.  The stroke was on the right side of his brain, which means that his left side is somewhat rigid and his left hand is usually balled in a fist.  Charlie has been in physical therapy since he was seven weeks old and he will continue to attend therapy sessions for most of his young life.

Charlie's physical therapy is going very well since we last checked in and just this week he said, "Mama" for the first time!  (Well.... its was more like, "mamamama" - but I'll take it!)  It was pure joy hearing my name come out of Charlie's mouth.  Charlie has also recovered beautifully from the skull surgery he had last August.  His scar is totally invisible and he has no traces of his former head shape, which was small and pinched due to a condition he had called Craniosynostosis

Tomorrow, Charlie has an MRI, his first in over a year.  Doctors are going to look at the stroke site and also assess whether Charlie has had any recent seizure activity.  Then on Saturday, Charlie will be having a full physical assessment to determine his next phase of physical and speech therapy.  But Charlie also has some very exciting news to share with you!

We're so excited that Charlie has this wonderful new opportunity.  With the help of Kenna's Kids, Charlie will have access to a larger variety of therapies and Kenna's Kids maybe even help us pay off some of our outstanding medical bills!  Feel free to visit Kenna's Kids at to find out more about Charlie's new advocates and how they are preparing to help.  And as always, you can stay connected through Charlie's blog, Help Charlie Heal.

I cannot express my deep gratitude to you, dear readers, who have supported my family, loved Charlie from afar and buoyed me with your words of inspiration and thoughtful messages.  It has meant the world to me.  And thank you to Kenna's Kids for choosing Charlie.  I have a feeling, things are about to get a lot better. 

Want to get involved with Kenna's Kids?  Click HERE to learn how.
Or, contact Jeremy Pigott at

You can also stay connected through Kenna's Kids on Facebook.
Go "like" their page and show your support!



  1. This is really wonderful news. I know you are grateful....

  2. That's wonderful news!!!! I hope all goes well today. xo

  3. That's awesome! I'm so happy for you guys to get this opportunity - its well deserved!! And congrats and such a special milestone, hearing your little one say "mama" is one of the best feelings in the whole world. Thanks for keeping us updated on his progress.

  4. As a fairly new reader, i didn't know about all the challenges your darling little boy has faced. I'm so glad to hear that you and he will be getting a little help along the way. What a lucky boy he is to have such a loving Mum.

  5. Starting the day with this good news is wonderful!!!

  6. That is so exciting! He looks so happy and how wonderful he said your name. I'm sure many more milestones are to come. Congrats to your family!

  7. Oh Sarah this brought tears to my eyes, of happiness! This will be so good for your family and Charlie! That last images is very special.

    Art by Karena

  8. YAY!
    So happy for you, for Charlie, and for Kenna's Kids -- I know Charlie will be a ray of sunshine for them! :)

  9. So happy for you and your family. Hearing "mama" for the first time is a unique pleasure, its nice that your relished the moment.

  10. Sarah, I totally get the heartache you have been through. I had twins almost 20yrs ago (a boy and girl)my son was born with Downsyndrome and life threatening congenital heart defects. Along with the medical issues drs didn't hold much hope for us as parents raising a child with downsyndrome- saying if he survived the extensive heart surgery he would probably never walk/talk etc. We have a strong faith in God and prayed for our son- who at every turn then proved drs wrong. He is a strong 19yr old man who rides a bike, finished high school and is moving into a work situation in the next year or two. And boy can he talk- actually much to our dismay he uses some unsavory words from time to time! however we see the humour in the fact that God has proven faithful in His promises. I'll be praying for your family and for Charlie to defy his medical prognosis luv and hugs Corrina.

  11. Such wonderful and happy news! Yay Charlie!! xox

  12. This is amazing, so wonderful. Go Charlie!!!

  13. Ohhh so pleased for Charlie and you all - happy weekend sweets, may the sun shine on you all,

  14. Oh Sarah, I'm so happy to hear about Charlie's amazing progress. He's such a wonderful, gorgeous little boy!

    Love and hugs to your family,
    Meera xx

  15. How wonderful -- this could not have happened to a more deserving family.
    Charlie's looking peachy-keen and we couldn't be more excited for you all.
    Love, Alcira


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