Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Today I am so grateful to be on this crazy journey called parenthood.  My little knuckleheads are the dearest most beautiful joy-makers I've ever known.  And the fact that I get to co-parent with Jack, my lovely and devoted husband, makes it all the more magical.  Today I give thanks for all of you who are doing the mysterious, magical, and mundane work of parenting a kiddo.  What a chance.  What a life.  What a wonderful world.










And here is our little quartet - a photo taken a few days ago in our back yard.


  1. What a sweet post! You guys look adorable and happy!

  2. How divine! What a gorgeous family. I have one 3 year old boy and just about to have my 2nd boy in three weeks time. Bring it on!

  3. You guys are just adorable! My youngest is turning 13 in a few weeks and I just ache to think how quickly time passes. Enjoy your family and Merry Christmas!

  4. Hi I probably needed your post today of all days which is day four of the first week of our Australian Christmas school holidays which go for 6 weeks and already my two youngest are fighting, my 19yr old didn't get home til 1am this morning from being out, the xmas shopping isn't all done and I just had my back and hands worked on yesterday by an Osteopath and I am in a lot of pain! But all the sweetness counteracts with such a blessing- 4 children- 19yr old twins, a 7yr old and a 5yr old and the joy of this holiday season to melt anything that might stress. Thanks xxCorrina.

  5. Lovely. Thank you.

  6. This is such a lovely post. Every day it seems (my son is twelve, and life here has a very pre-teenishness to it!) that our lives as parents swing from highs to lows. But there is such an aching and sweet tenderness to this work as parents. All of your gorgeous photos captured that. Like you, without my husband co-pilot, I'd be lost. Thank you. And great family photo!


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