Monday, November 21, 2011

Walker's Room and a Winner!

First things first - the winner of the Shabby Apple giveaway is #57, Athena!  
Congratulations on your beautiful new dress!  Athena, I'll be in touch shortly...

And now, on to Walker's new room.  Remember THIS post from a few weeks ago?  You all had some great ideas for Walker's room, many of which I implemented.  Just as you suggested, I went lighter with the wall color and made sure that all of Walker's books were easily accessible for a little guy.  Walker had some requests as well - mainly that his fish be closer to his bed and that I keep the window clear of big furniture.  He said, "I want to look at our street and watch for ducks or bad guys."

Again, here is a photo of his room before hand.  As you can see, it definitely has the baby blue nursery vibe and he had to share it sometimes with his baby brother, Charlie.  Walker turned four last week, so he needed his own space - free of the baby stuff.

Here's the new room!

All of the furniture was already in our home, so it was just a matter of re-arranging some things and in some cases, hitting it with a bit of spray paint.  The new elements are the huge pull down school house map on the back wall and the floor to ceiling curtains, which I have still yet to hem.

The bolster pillow on the bed , throw pillow on the couch 
and the curtains are all IKEA fabrics that I picked up on sale and stitched together.
The paint color on the walls is "Creamy Mushroom" by Behr Paints.

The chevron print pouf is by Aleta Fae, which I won in a
giveaway at Head Over Heels.  And the love seat (an old Craigslist find)
is a pull out bed for when Walker has sleep overs.

These sweet prints - a galleon and turn of the century hot air balloon - 
are from Collage-O-Rama on Etsy.  The frames are IKEA and I spray painted the mattes.

Here's a close-up of the map, which I found for a great price on ebay.
It's from an old old school house in Georgia (1957).

I snagged this cool vintage globe during a sale at The White Woods.
The White Woods has a great little collection of vintage goodies.

And the beautiful quilt on Walker's bed was made by our wedding officiant.  
He is an amazing quilter and created this for Walker when he was a baby. 

Of course, Walker loves the end result.  
His favorite part is the little chair and reading lamp under the window.
Okay, so now comes the time when you tell me what you think! 
Any thing that I should add, subtract or re-think?


  1. Leave it to you to create a room that is playful and sophisticated, all at the same time! LOVE it. Especially love the idea of the pull-out bed.

    And it's great that the room has a theme, but not a cutesy one. The map, the hot air balloon and galleon, the airplane hanging over the bed, and even the ladder w/the little star at the top... they're all saying "GO for it, Walker! Pursue your dreams and let them take you to amazing heights and realms!"

  2. The room is fabulous!!! I love the colors and that giant map. Was he excited to see it? xo

  3. Ugly dolls!!! I've always wanted one!!

    Great room - I'm sure he loves it.

  4. I love your boys rooms so much. They will really be able to grow in to them too. Kid friendly, but with style!

  5. Great transformation I am sure your little/big boy will love this, lots of "play" room for him and his friends!!

  6. Wouldn't rethink a thing!
    It looks fantastic!

  7. Congrats, Athena!

    Wonderful transformation!


  8. Wow! Great job, Sarah! I wouldn't have thought of it needing anything, because it's so pulled together, but since you asked, I thought about it some more, and decided that I'm somewhat craving a little more of the warmth of color that you see in the map. Perhaps that could be pulled into the love seat, with another pillow, or even a slip cover?

  9. Love walkers room- the green tones are so gorgeous and not your typical which I love. My favourite things- the map on the wall and the linen and pillows etc- they're not all matching but the green hints tie them together. If I were to change anything? Maybe consider painting the bookshelves the same colour as the walls- it'll make the room look bigger and the books will really stand out? Just a suggestion but as it is superb! Well Done! Most importantly if Walker loves it you've hit the mark. xx Corrina.

  10. nice apartment, there's nothing to change. Love the colors and all.


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