Friday, November 04, 2011

Three Year Blogiversary

I was reading THIS post yesterday, celebrating The Zhush's two year anniversary and I thought, "Hey, this sounds familiar."  I checked my first post and sure enough, it's dated November 3, 2008.  I'm like that neglectful husband who always forgets his anniversary.  Ah, who cares... so I'm celebrating a day late!


This blog started three years ago as a whim and has become one of my most treasured parts of the day.  I had no idea how important this blog would be to me when I began.  Thank you for being here, for reading, and for helping me create my own little bit of heavenly cloud in the cyber-sky.  Truly, thank you.

Don't forget to enter our current giveaway!  
Click HERE to enter.


  1. you're the best. love coming here...donna

  2. Happy Birthday to you,,happy birthday to you!!! Your blog it´s perfect. Congratulations!

  3. Yay! I'm with Donna. I love it here.

  4. Happy happy blog birthday! So glad to have met you here and in real life!

  5. Happy Anniversary to one of the best blogs -- and bloggers -- in cyberspace!

  6. Congratulations! Three years- I can only imagine!

    Blogging certainly takes dedication and love and it shows here!

  7. Happy Blogiversary, Sarah!!! Wish I had found you 3 years ago;) Congrats on such an accomplishment!!! You really have such a talent and inspirational style, thank you for keeping at it and doing it so well! Have a great weekend!

  8. Oh my, three years, that is amazing.
    Happy Blogiversary!

  9. Happy 3Rd Year, and I just found you!!!

  10. Happy Blogiversary! :) Because of you I found out about doulas and about my wish to become one myself after the birth of my first child which is NOT going to happen anytime soon because I am still attending colleg. ;) But still, wouldn't be disappointed if there is already or will be soon one on the way.

    Love ;)
    Feel free to visit. (:

  11. We are all happy for that "whim" three years ago :) happy anniversary and we look forward to many more

  12. Jay - I'm so touched that my work as a doula inspired you to follow along that path! Amazing. ...and your blog is so lovely and thoughtful. Thank you.

  13. I find births so powerful and meaningful. And I love that quote I just recently found: "We have a secret in our culture and it's not that birth is painful. It's that women are strong." Oh, and thank you for visiting my blog ;)


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