Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Me, Elsewhere

Today, I'm guest posting over at Bright, Bold and Beautiful.  Laura asked me to join her "I'm thankful for..." series.  It was a bit tortuous narrowing the "grateful field" down to only three things, but I did it.  Here's a little hint:

Click HERE to visit Bright Bold and Beautiful and see my full post.

And just for fun...
Here is a little sneak peek at Walker's new big boy room.  We painted this past Saturday.
I'll post the full photos when the room is complete, but until then:


  1. Loved your guest post, Sarah! So beautiful and reflective. Lovely to see Walker enjoying his new room and Charlie chilling out with him - your boys are darling!

    Meera xx

  2. Loved reading your gratitude list!
    Cannot wait to see the whole room...

  3. Love the room and how sweet he is in his chair with a book ... but the photo with Charlie makes me just want to give those boys a great big kiss !
    So you go give it to them, from me :)
    besitos, C

  4. Wow charlie is getting so big! Look at all his hair, so cute! Love the room so far, the curtains are really cute.


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