Friday, November 11, 2011

The Hudson Bay Blanket

Generations of fur trappers, frontiersmen and Native Americans can't all be wrong.  Introduced in 1780, the Hudson Bay Blanket is a keeper for all time.  It will never ever ever ever go out of style.  Ever.  I love them but can't afford the real thing.  I might consider some button down shams, though. 












Oh... and on a totally separate note: here's a little something I made yesterday.  I was playing with my son's art stash - some bleeding tissue papers.  Walker's 4th birthday is tomorrow and we're doing an art project with these papers.  I thought I'd give them a whirl before letting the kiddos have at them!  I consider the Heron my totem animal.  I love these strange and graceful birds.  They seem to find me where ever I go.


  1. I really adore those Hudson Bay blankets but who the heck puts one on a floor?

  2. Ha! I know, right? I guess they really needed a rug and it was just hangin' around. If I had one, it would stay OFF the floor!

  3. Wow, looking at those is a blast from the past for me ~ we had them on our bunk beds at my dad's camp in Maine. Love 'em!

  4. The heron is FABULOUS! I would love to learn how to do that.

  5. Sarah- Love your heron - so pretty!

    I have a LL Bean wool blanket my parents gave me as a teen. It's still on my bed - you have to love a good wool blanket!


  6. I saw an old man picking one up from the dry cleaners yesterday! I thought about offering him some money for it!! Love it. Thanks! Joanna

  7. Hmmm...I'll be honest, I've never really given the Hudson Bay blanket much thought...but now you've got me interested:) Plus, I've always had a bit of a fascination with Native American culture.

    Your tissue paper heron is beautiful! I love messing around with paper, use to make paper with bits of all kinds of stuff in it in college, love in general! Of course, if I sat down my daughter to do this I would completely panic and have no idea what to make:)

  8. Beautiful heron!

    And lovely blankets. Did you know that the short dark lines (visible in the first pic, at the bottom of the blanket) are an indication of the blanket's size/weight? That way, if you have multiple blankets of differing sizes and you fold them for storage w/the lines showing, you don't need to unfold them to know which size they are... now, why can't they do that with bedsheets!?!

  9. Miranda - I had no idea about the stripes. That is brilliant.

  10. I seen a pin someone pinned from you the other day on this blanket. I am a avid thrift shopper and go every single day. I have been looking for some decent blankets for my dogs so as always I walked by the blanket section and seen this odd blanket hanging there. I knew it looked familiar and what other blanket has a sewn in label. Sobi immediately typed in on google search and seen it was in fact a 4 point Hudson Bay blanket! I grabbed it, my daughter, and the other items I had found and ran to the register! I purchased the blanket for.... $2.99!!! I had no clue what it was had beer heard of them until the pin someone pinned from you on pintrest! Needless to say I am not a huge fan of the blanket so I will be putting it up for sale... I need the money more than a conversation piece! Just thought I would share!

  11. Beautiful heron. I love watching them in flight. It always feels special


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