Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Friends and Sons

First, for the "Friends" portion of this post.  Today, I'm guest posting for Tobe over at Because It's Awesome.  Tobe just closed on a new home and needs a little time away from her computer to crack open a bottle of champagne and sign a bajillion pieces of paper where she promises to pay taxes and interest and to love her home very very much!  Congrats Tobe - a new home a wonderful thing!  Click HERE to read the full post.

And here is a peek at how I would design her new abode...

And now for the "Sons" portion of my post.  I want to remind you that we're giving away FIVE sets of Help Charlie Heal note cards in honor of Charlie's recovery from craniofacial surgery.  Thank you for all your emotional and financial support over the past year.  My online community has played an enormous part in Charlie's journey.  So we're giving away five sets of cards as a thank you!  Each print was painted and titled by Charlie's four-year-old brother, Walker.  Click HERE to enter.  Here is a peek at all eight prints you'll find in in the set:

"Snakes In Love"
"Play Area"

"Orange Train"

"Splatter Picture"

"Stone Thrower"

"Yellow Room"

"The Red Potty"

"Race Track"

Click HERE 

to enter the Help Charlie Heal Giveaway!


  1. I am visiting your blog perhaps for the first time tonight, not sure how I found you...LOL But I love your design sense, especially the tomato cage chandelier, WOW! I am DOING that.

    More importantly, my sincerest good wishes for Charlie. Wising you all the best of every detail, I can barely imagine what you've been through, but I do know that power of healing and prayer.

    Do you also sell the beautiful art cards?

    feel free to email me at the lazyw @ gmail dot com


  2. SO happy to hear Charlie is doing well. And that art for the cards...amazing...that's some serious art chops!!

  3. The artworks are really incredible, so beautiful.
    I hope Charlie will get better and better and better. I wish him, and you, and to your whole family all the best in the world.

    Can you follow me on http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/2218999/tereza-anton-drastic-plastic please. If they want to get ride of GFC, I don't want to loose you as a reader. Thank you so much.


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