Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Brainstorming Walker's Room

Now that Walker and Charlie are no longer sharing a room, the baby blue nursery seems a bit out of step for Walker's big boy status. Walker is turning four (Yes, FOUR!) in two weeks and I want to give him a fresh new coat of paint in his room.  I'm also tired of his old curtains (midnight blue velvet hand-me-downs), so I picked up some green and white stripe fabric on sale at IKEA yesterday.  And you know me: I love a project.  So here's what I'm thinking for my little birthday boy. 

I'm thinking a map and green stripes...


I'm thinking sophisticated shapes and bold color...


I'm thinking a corner book nook...


I'm thinking gray walls, green accents and gold pops here and there... 

Ship image via HERE.

It's not fully there yet, I'm still brainstorming... 
but if you've got any brilliant ideas, lay 'em on me!


  1. These are all great ideas. One thing I would do is to make sure that the shelves of the book nook are accessible to Walker, so that he can read/peruse his books on his own if/when he chooses. Some of the shelves shown in the photo look rather high for a four-year-old.
    Happy Birthday to Walker!

  2. The map is a wonderful idea as is the book nook.
    A comfie bean bag chair or just chair for him close to the books .. but I would give the wall color a lot of thought.
    Personally, grey just doesn't go in a childs room to me .. unless you live where the sun always shines. . but that could just be me :)
    Once, when my son was four, we had his room painted shiny white white and then proceeded to almost completely cover it in framed posters from plays we had been to, an antique circus poster, all great large things in plain black frames. It was the most cheerful happy room and he still remembers it !
    ( he is very old now too :)

  3. This all sounds really cute and perfect for your big four year old! I agree with the other comment in doing everything at his eye level, which is hard for us adults to do sometimes. A kids room sounds like so much fun to do!

  4. Great ideas EVERYONE! I definitely want him to be able to access his books and toys. Also... I think taking the gray color to a very very very very light gray or even white (as suggested) would be great. The room is very dark - it has a window, but there is a big tree in front of it so Walker doesn't get great light. White walls might be just the ticket!

  5. These are beautiful! So adorable! Have a fabulous day, Kellie xx

    Scary idea maybe - but how about one wall in whiteboard dry erase paint - also comes in colors I think. :-)

  7. Great idea Betsy! Perfect for my little artist.

  8. Love all the ideas you have, especially the bold graphics for art work. Cool colors can be mood altering,I know I am affected by cool tones. Maybe the mushroom on the walls instead of grey.

  9. Hi I am in the process of decorating my (just turned 5) sons' room. I am just in love with white, white , white, We have done white ceiling, walls and white timber floor, even the built in is a shade of white. Now the room will grow with him as I can acesorize with linen,toys and books- much cheaper to update again as he gets older. We have one wall that is a cappucino colour as my house is mudbrick, the rest are timber liningboards painted white. Even the floor boards are white and it looks great. My inspiration? Vangoghs painting of hie bedroom at arles. We have mimicked some of the elements in the painting like the red rug on the end of his bed. And have a framed print of Vangohs bedroom in his room. There are splashes of red, navy blue and latte brown which breaks up the white. If I get really organised I'll post a pic on my blog. xx Corrina.

  10. Besides the map on the wall, maybe for Christmas give Walker a globe? I've always thought they are so special. Lots of room to imagine. And twirl.

  11. the green stripes are so cheery and boy-ee at once! can't wait to see what you come up with!

  12. I love your ideas!! The corner book nook is my favorite. I want one in my room now!

  13. I love the palette you chose. My seven year old has an old school house map in his room and he loves it. He loves to pull down the different continents and you can change the look of his room with each map. Sorta.


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