Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sarah Saw Something

Time for another installment of Sarah Saw Something, where I share little odds and ends that I found interesting around the blogosphere this week.

Love this post from Anne-Marie over at 10 Rooms - all about art in the bathroom.  She's wondering if art and steam can be friends.  She posted some lovely examples, my favorite being the one below.  Go HERE to see the full post.

I saw Paul Simon in concert last night - an anniversary gift from my husband.  It was an incredible show.  The first encore song was Paul singing "Sounds of Silence" alone.  Here's a quick video of him singing it on this same tour a few months ago:

I think I have to make this Spiced Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark I spotted at Fancy House Road.  Look at this ingredients list:  dark chocolate, pumpkin pie spices, ground red chipolte, roasted hulled pumpkin seeds, cashew pieces, and coarse sea salt.  Yum.  Go HERE for the full recipe.

I'm so giddy!  Remember THIS post I did this week about my new entry way wall treatment?  It's been re-posted at Honey & Fitz and also at Blue Hydrangea! Yay for my fifteen minutes of design (stealing) fame!

And finally, I love this flash mob organized by the Copenhagen Philharmonic.  Ravel is always a good choice.


  1. These are fabulous! The first one is to die for! Enjoy the lovely weekend, Kellie xx

  2. I've always wanted to see Paul Simon. I'm sure it was fabulous.

  3. omg the flash mob orchestra!
    I love it...I wish I encounter one of these some day. :)

  4. Love Paul Simon and thank you SO MUCH for posting the flash mob orchestra video. Amazing.

  5. Paul Simon...a wonderful treat, and the bath tub is just to die for.

  6. Thanks for link over! That one is my favourite, as well - x


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