Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sarah Saw Something

Time for another installment of Sarah Saw Something, where I share little odds and ends that I found interesting around the blogosphere this week.

Have you heard about MINTYNelya, Susie and Jenny just opened their boutique of awesomeness this weekend in Atlanta.  If you are lucky enough to live in this fair city, head to MINTY for a look at all the available decor goodness.  I wish I could go!

I've obviously been living in a hole for the past 7 years because I just discovered this fabulous pop artist yesterday for the first time.  I know, I know... I need to get out more.  I'm off to buy her album, Body Talk.  Here is a sampling from Swedish recording artist and song writer, Robyn

Although it is more than a week old, I ran into THIS lovely questionnaire ("Are You a 21st Century Romantic?") brought to you by my favorite domestic explorer at A Bloomsbury Life.

And finally, don't miss THIS Amanda Stone Talley original art giveaway at The Zhush


  1. I recommend Robyn's song 'With Every Heartbeat'. I don't know much of her music but I love this one!

    And I too an a 21st Century Romantic. Love a bit of rain when I am tucked up indoors or properly equipped for it!

  2. I have loved Robyn since my teen years :)

    Just did the Romantic Quiz and scored very highly! And thank you for the heads up on the giveaway, love it!

    I'm also hosting one at the moment, to win original mixed media artwork or vintage bling, so be sure to check it out!

    Happy new week, dear Sarah!

    Meera xx

  3. I love Robyn! I went to her concert in February and it was one of the most fun concerts I've ever been to!


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