Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Inspiration Strikes

My three year old and I paint together all of the time.  (HERE is a sample of his work.)  He works diligently on his masterpieces in one corner of the room and I work in another corner on mine.  His are exuberant and care-free and done in a jiff.  Mine seem strained and over-thought and they take way too long to complete.  This might be the key difference between the child artist and the adult artist.  At least its the difference in my home.  This week however, I vow to paint with abandon and exuberance.  I promise to throw good taste and caution to the wind.  When inspiration strikes, I'll be ready.







  1. I've been in the mood to paint as well, but with my massive pregnant belly it just doesn't feel comfortable. I also need a studio because currently my tiny and I mean tiny as in can't stand up fully in it, just doesn't work. Enjoy your painting sessions and hoping all is well with Charlie!! xx Danielle

  2. The great thing about our children is they have many lessons to teach us!

    Here's to painting with abandon...

  3. Over the weekend my kids were painting. I saw a cute project for them on the internet, gave them all the supplies, and let them paint. Their painting went down a completely different path than the one I showed them. My 8 year old said to me "There is no right or wrong when it comes to art. Just follow your heart." I just sat there wondering when did my little girl become so grown up.

    Happy painting!

  4. It's like Picasso said "All children are artists..."

    I want to find some time soon to pick up a paint brush and paint with abandon too! I find there is no better therapy.

    Happy painting!

    Meera xx

  5. I love that you take the time for painting with your little guy. You'll both remember those times.

    My daughter's art time turned into Kids' Arts- her fantasy tv show. It was so cute!

  6. Following up on Meera's comment...
    Picasso said that all children are artists, and that the trick is to remain an artist as you grow up.

    True story: During a long-ago open house at my daughter's preschool, another parent was admiring one of her paintings. This parent beamed at my daughter and said "This is so nice ... maybe you'll be an artist when you grow up."

    My then 3-yr old daughter gave this woman a withering look and declared, "I'm an artist NOW!"

    Twenty-two years later, that painting hangs, framed, in our living room.

    Happy painting to artists young and old!

  7. Miranda - I LOVE your daughter's response. "I am an artist NOW!" Yes yes yes to being an artist now. Thank you for sharing this story.

  8. Will you please show us your latest works? (from you and Walker!!!)

  9. Anita - yes, I'll post some next week. How about that?

  10. I do envy the carefree ways that my children create.


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