Friday, July 15, 2011

Visiting Eastern Oregon

I'm almost at the end of my time at my Mama's farm in Eastern Oregon.  But before I go, I want to share some of the surrounding area with you.  This part of the state has so much to offer.  Below is a photo of Eagle Valley, where my Mama's home is located.

Here is a close up of the sweet little town of Richland, Oregon.

Below is the Brownlee Reservoir, located just outside of Richland.  My mom has a little flat bottomed row boat and my step dad, husband, brother and son all headed out onto the water last week.

We also spent some time this week in nearby Hell's Canyon where we took a 
jet boat up the Snake River, which runs along the border of Oregon and Idaho. 

While we were on the boat, we saw all sorts of amazing wildlife on the shore 
of the Snake River.  Below is a bear cub climbing the rocks along the banks.

We ran into another mid sized brown bear foraging for food in the underbrush.

And check out the bald eagles below - not one, but TWO!

Here are some quick snap shots of the two communities that surround my Mom's farm house.  Richland and Halfway, Oregon are separated by a small mountain pass.  Both communities are really special and very different.

My favorite place to eat in the area is Levi's Cafe in Halfway.
Cool, hip, funky and yum yum yum!

Across the street from Levi's Cafe is an antique store called Pat's Pretties.  This place has an enormous fabric and quilting store in the front and a spectacular antique store in the back.  I always find the best stuff here!

This is some of the booty I came home with this week:

My Mama found the two following items at a local yard sale:

Both Richland and Halfway have wonderful little public libraries with internet access.  This is where I've been doing most of my blogging this week, as my Mama doesn't have WiFi at her house.  Her home is a tech free zone.

The greatest little thrift store EVER.  Jacob's Dream in Halfway, Oregon.

...and the Artist's Co-op, halfway Whimsy.  Not to miss!

I am also charmed by all the little sweet churches in Richland and Halfway.  They're open all the time and each one has a piano.  I was able to sneak in and play a bit in between services.

Thank you everyone for allowing me to share this beautiful place with you.  I've had such a beautiful time with my family this week - much needed as I prepare my sweet Charlie for surgery on the first of August.  This time was so precious to me and I'm happy to have brought you along, via La Maison Boheme.  I'll be out for the weekend, so enjoy a few days off.  I'll be back on Monday!


  1. What a beautiful trip, and an incredibly beautiful place! My goodness!!

  2. This little town is so quaint, it is almost out of a movie set! Country America at its best. The snake river is spectacular and so are you bear and eagles pictures. I had so much fun a few years past, kayaking on the Snake River in Jackson.
    Wish you the very best for your sweet Charlie speedy recovery from his surgery.

  3. This visit to your mother's place is exactly what you needed! So peaceful, so serene. Love the pics of the bears and eagles. I've seen the river in Ketchem, Idaho which is so like this terrain. Just beautiful. I would live in the Pacific NW in a flash if I could. Sending love, honey...take care of Charlie cause we all love him.....

  4. my cousin and my aunt own Levi's cafe. I work there. I painted Jacobs dream. And i sell earrings at whimsical. what a small world


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