Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sarah Saw Something

Time for another installment of Sarah Saw Something, where I share little bits and bobs that I found interesting in the blogosphere this week. Enjoy!

I loved this house tour at Little Emma English Home.

The best (and funniest) read of the week was at What She Means by one of my favorite blogging mamas! 

I would love to do this awesome DIY table from Far Out Flora.



  1. Thanks for the shout out. Currently, it is making a stint at Sunset Magazine...then heading back to SF. Not a bad project for those with a couple tools, some pallets (or old wood), and a lot of time on their Matti

  2. Sarah- The DIY table from Far Out Flora is beautiful. It looks like it is an outdoor table, no? Too cool!


  3. What a wonderful little video of that father and baby ! I loved it :)

  4. Oh how I love this segment of yours! That home tour is beyond charming and the video is so sweet! Loved reading the post by What She Means - hilarious!

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend, sweet lady!

    Meera xx

  5. Wow that video seriously brought a tear to my eye. amazing!

  6. I'm glad you all liked the video. My name is Senen and I recorded it. very pleased to so see many people enjoying it


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