Monday, May 16, 2011

Quick Charlie Update

I know, I know... I said I was taking the day off, but this news is too wonderful to keep to myself.  Charlie has had an amazing week filled with incredible physical feats that fly in the face of his stroke condition.  I am all cheers and happy tears.  Read about it HERE
XO - Sarah


  1. How wonderful! Charlie has been working hard. Here's to even more wonderful weeks!

  2. How heartwarmingly wonderful!!!

    Little Charlie (and his devoted mother) deserves to have the healthiest, happiest life a wee man could possibly hope for. Thank goodness and all that is powerful and mysterious and great in life. Here's hoping this progress is but a preview of what this summer will hold for your little one.
    Cheers and best, Alcira

  3. Such fantastic news! Go Charlie Go!!!

  4. Sarah- Wonderful news on Charlie. He looks so smug!


    on the kitchen - take it off! They can always go back on, right?

  5. Wow! Wonderful news! And his face is so squeezable and incredibly lovable! I have been enjoying writing love notes on your stationary! xo Samantha

  6. He's all sorts of adorable and I'm so happy to hear of the happiness ya'll are feeling. You deserve it!


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